Generalized calibration function based on sampling::gencalib
- Xs
A matrix of calibration variables
- Zs
A matrix of instrumental variables
- d
A vector of initial weights, derived from sampling design
- pop_totals
A vector of population totals (including totals for both Xs and Zs)
- method
a method upon which the
function will be called- eps
describes desired accuracy level in any convergence-related
- maxit
maximum number of iterations for
since it works iteratively- tol
desired tolerance
Andridge, Rebecca R, and Roderick JA Little. 2011. “Proxy Pattern-Mixture Analysis for Survey Nonresponse.” Journal of Official Statistics 27 (2): 153.
Chang, T., and P. S. Kott. 2008. “Using Calibration Weighting to Adjust for Nonresponse Under a Plausible Model.” Biometrika 95 (3): 555–71.
Deville, Jean-Claude, and Carl-Erik Särndal. 1992. “Calibration Estimators in Survey Sampling.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 87 (418): 376–82.
Estevao, Victor, and Carl Särndal. n.d. “A Functional Form Approach to Calibration.” Journal of Of®cial Statistics 16 (4): 379±399.
Isaki, C. T., and W. A. Fuller. 1982. “Survey Design Under the Regression Super-Population Model.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 77 (377): 89–96.
Kott, Phillip S., and Ted Chang. 2010. “Using Calibration Weighting to Adjust for Nonignorable Unit Nonresponse.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 105 (491): 1265–75.
Kott, Phillip S., and Dan Liao. 2017. “Calibration Weighting for Nonresponse That Is Not Missing at Random: Allowing More Calibration Than Response-Model Variables.” Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 5 (2): 159–74.
Maciej Ostapiuk and Maciej Beręsewicz based on Kott and Chang (2010) and Kott and Liao (2017)
## Generate the data to formulate response model, calibration variables and target variable
n <- 10000
x1 <- rlnorm(n, 0, 1)
x2 <- rexp(n, 1)
x3 <- rpois(n,2)
y <- 1 + x1 + x2 + rnorm(n)
pr <- plogis(1 + 0.5*x1 - 0.5*y)
pop_data <- data.frame(x1, x2, y, pr)
totals <- c(N = n, colSums(pop_data[, c("x1", "x2", "y")]))
flag <- rbinom(n, 1, pop_data$pr)
sample <- pop_data[flag == 1, ]
sample$d <- n/nrow(sample)
## case when dim(Xs) == dim(Zs)
g <- gencal(Xs = stats::model.matrix(~ x1 + x2, data = sample),
Zs = stats::model.matrix(~ x1 + y, data = sample),
d = sample$d,
pop_totals = totals,
method = "raking",
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
maxit = 100,
tol = 1e-8)
#> Error in gencal(Xs = stats::model.matrix(~x1 + x2, data = sample), Zs = stats::model.matrix(~x1 + y, data = sample), d = sample$d, pop_totals = totals, method = "raking", eps = .Machine$double.eps, maxit = 100, tol = 1e-08): object 'totals' not found
head(g) #display only couple of first output values
#> Error: object 'g' not found
## case when dim(Xs) > dim(Zs)
g1 <-gencal(Xs = stats::model.matrix(~ x1 + x2, data = sample),
Zs = stats::model.matrix(~ y, data = sample),
d = sample$d,
pop_totals = totals,
method = "raking",
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
maxit = 100,
tol = 1e-8)
#> Error in rep(1, nrow(sample)): invalid 'times' argument
head(g1) #display only couple of first output values
#> Error: object 'g1' not found